Recently I had the opportunity to feature on the Advent IM Podcast with the lovely Mike Gillespie. It was a star-studded podcast line up! With me were Rowenna Fielding and Sarah Clarke.

We talked about records management, infosec, privacy and data protection.   All of favourite subjects all wrapped into one.

Mike, Ellie, Rowenna and Sarah came to my flat to record this episode. We gathered on the massive RMGirl HQ sofa with a very enthusiastic RMDog in the background. Mike had to keep moving RMDog away from the microphone, so if you hear any dodgy noises, it’s totally Mike not RMDog – honest!

Have a listen for yourself and leave a comment.

Podcast: On the Record(s) – , Records Management, Infosec, Privacy and Data Protection

We’re hoping to meet back up again to speak on more focussed topics. If there is anything you’d like to hear us talk about, then let us know.

I’m also hoping to start my own podcast –  I have all the equipment and software, I just need to blinkin’ do it!   Watch this space.

Check out my other blogs on this site.

If you liked this post and the podcast I took part in, please consider buying me a virtual coffee or three. Thank you so much for listening.

Advent IM Podcast: RM, Infosec, Privacy & Data Protection.
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