RMGirl in the Media
Here are some of the media publications RMGirl has featured in, offering advice, opinion and analysis.

Media Entries
Most recent first:
July/August 2021 Edition
Financial Accountant Magazine (Page 25/26)
Data Protection in a post-Brexit World by Christine Horton
7 August 2021
Why You Should Stop Using iMessage After Shock iPhone Update by Zak Doffman
29 July 2021
Hackney Citizen
Council accidentally leaks addresses of vulnerable residents with IT blunder that ‘could have cost lives’ by Jacob Dirnhuber
3 July 2021
How to stop your emails from tracking you by Kate O’Flaherty
7 June 2021
Info Security Magazine
Google’s FLoC: Privacy Gone Amok? by Kate O’Flaherty
22nd May 2021
Forbes / Forbes Europe
Apple AirTags: What All iPhone Users Should Know by Kate O’Flaherty
25th January 2021
The Sunday Observer (The Guardian)
“Is it time to leave Whatsapp – and is Signal the answer?” by Kate O’Flaherty
17th January 2021
Forbes / Forbes Europe
“Google confirms Fitbit deal: Here’s what it means” by Kate O’Flaherty
2nd December 2020
Raconteur (The Times)
“The implications of the first digital census” by Rose Stokes
If you would like to contact Emily/RMGirl about a media piece you’re working on you’ll find her on Signal or Email. Click for the contact details here. No WhatsApp messages please, you won’t get a response!
Journalists, RMGirl can help you!
Are you working on an article connected to information governance? Emily can provide commentary on data protection, privacy, records management and new tech. She has over fifteen years of industry experience and a solid reputation in the records management industry.
A few facts:
Emily’s views tend to be central-left. She’s a massive supporter of the LGBTQ+, BLM/BAME, Trans and sex worker communities. Emily is pro-EU and a ‘Remainer’. She is passionate about privacy matters and the right to be left alone. She’s also keen to share how much information, data, records is at the bottom of any disaster.
Like what I do? You can buy me a virtual coffee here.
You can read more blogs by RMGirl here. Please share them with your friends, we love to spread the joy of Records Management!