I’m often asked questions about networking, training and making contacts with people in the information world. These questions are more frequent post-COVID; a lot of events have moved online and people aren’t getting out and about. So if you want
Data Protection Day – I get by with a little help… (Guest Post)
This year Data Protection Day, the 17th of its kind, fell today on a Saturday. Many may think this isn’t a good enough reason to work on a weekend. Why pull out the stops when you work so hard Monday-Friday? How
PRODUCT REVIEW: Redaction Roller Stamp
TLDR; The redaction roller stamp is not worth it; get/keep using a cross-cut shredder. Certainly, never use it for a data subject access request or freedom of information request. What is redaction? Redaction of text is when you obscure information
HR/Personnel Records – Retention of your HR Personnel records – Part 2 of 5
Retention of your HR Personnel records – Part 2 of 5 In part 2 of this blog series (you can read part 1 here), we will look at retention for HR personnel files. We’ll talk about using Big Bucket retention
Book: Info Rights 4 RMs
Book Review: Information Rights for Records Managers By Rachael Maguire Book title: Information Rights for Records Managers |Author: Rachael Maguire | Published date:Nov 2018 |Pages: 224pp | Style available: Paperback, Hardback & Ebook ISBN: 9781783302444 (Paperback) | Price: £69.95 | CILIP