Navigating Records Retention Issues: The Ashley Madison Breach In the latest Netflix documentary, we see the ins and outs of the Ashley Madison company. In July 2015, the world witnessed one of the most controversial and high-profile data breaches in
PRODUCT REVIEW: Redaction Roller Stamp
TLDR; The redaction roller stamp is not worth it; get/keep using a cross-cut shredder. Certainly, never use it for a data subject access request or freedom of information request. What is redaction? Redaction of text is when you obscure information
Book Review: Confident Cyber Security by Dr Jessica Barker
Book Review: Confident Cyber Security by Jessica Barker Book title: Conf!dent Cyber Security |Author: Dr Jessica Barker | Published date: September 2020 |Pages: 239pp | Style available: Paperback, Hardback & Ebook ISBN: 978-1789663426 (Paperback) | Price: £14.99 | Publisher: Kogan Page The latest addition to the Confident book series from
Reducing the attack surface
Reducing the attack surface with Records Management In this webinar, Emily Overton (RMGirl) is invited by Prof Danny Dresner to discuss Reducing the attack surface with Records Management. Emily discusses what records management is and why it applies to Cyber
Guest Teaching
Guest Teaching Seminar – Reducing the attack surface with Records Management The University of Manchester – 20th May 2020 Guest Teaching On Wednesday I guest taught at The University of Manchester for Professor Daniel Dresner (Prof Danny). Last year I