Trigger Warning: This blog’s topic is the Soham murders. In 2002, a case unfolded in the English village of Soham, Cambridgeshire, where a perpetrator killed two 10-year-old girls. The murderer is presently serving a minimum of 40 years in prison. Soham Background
Award for Professional of the Year
Award for IRMS Professional of the Year My mentee, Ewa Kapica, nominated me for an IRMS award. On 16th May 2022 during the IRMS Conference, I won it! The Process Entries for each category are collated and reviewed by the Awards Panel.
HR/Personnel Records – Deciding what HR records to Scan – Part 4 of 5
Deciding what HR records to scan: Going paperless in HR and balancing risk HR records are a tricky beast and they like to hang around in paper form. I have been involved in several paperless HR projects and, all too
HR/Personnel Records – Retention of your HR Personnel records – Part 2 of 5
Retention of your HR Personnel records – Part 2 of 5 In part 2 of this blog series (you can read part 1 here), we will look at retention for HR personnel files. We’ll talk about using Big Bucket retention
HR/Personal Records – Managing your HR Personnel Records effectively – Part 1 of 5
Managing your HR Personnel Records effectively – Part 1 of 5 Human Resources (HR) or Personnel files refer to the records required in every single organisation that hires staff or contractors. This applies whether they are temporary or permanent. For